“Sometimes the only pay off to having any faith is that it's tested again and again every day."
Fall Out Boy: Immortals
now we are at a phenomenal crossroads.
Never before in my entire life have I seen a response to an election
like this. While half the population is elated,
the other half is morose, looking up to the skies as if the anti-Christ has
begun to walk among us.
Needless to say it’s been a pretty heavy week, and its only
Wednesday. With that in mind, I want to
take a few minutes today to talk about some things that validate faith. A lot of the time people of faith, especially
right now, feel like their faith is being tested by the world. Make no mistake, it is. The stronger you grow in faith, the harder
the devil is going to work on you. That’s
an accepted fact. But as you go about
your battle and you sit there, knees in the mud, staring at your hands just
wondering if there is any point to it all, keep in mind a few things.
First, let’s start in the beginning. Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning, God created
heaven and earth.” This passage directly
correlates to a being, existing outside of time and space, creating the reality
around us that we call the universe.
Early scientists postulated that the universe was eternal, having no beginning
and no end, however later it was discovered by followers of those same
disciplines that the universe was, and is, expanding. Obviously if something is expanding, then at
one point it had to be smaller, and has to have a reason for expanding. Try this experiment at home, take a balloon
and, with a marker, draw a bunch of dots on it while it’s still deflated. Then blow that bad boy up. You will see the dots expand and get further
and further away from each other. That
is what scientists have found is going on with the universe. Something is pushing those dots, in this case
galaxies, further away from each other, which means at one point, all space and
matter was condensed into some finite point, commonly referred to as
singularity. Something had to have
kicked off this expansion process, called the Big Bang, something that had to
exist outside our reality, beyond time and space. That something is God.
Next there was “God created the universe in 6 days…” Genesis
1, 2:2. Most would say that’s balderdash,
you couldn’t create all reality in six days.
Well, I’m going to try and paraphrase Dr. Gerald Schroder on this one,
but I’ll put a link to his full articles below.
Go back to your balloon model of the universe and pick a point anywhere
on it. Lets say that our galaxy, simply
because now you have a visual for where we are at. If you calculated to the center of the
universe and parked yourself there and shot a message at light speed, you would
find that it would arrive at our planet about the time the planet started to
cool from the fires of creation. “…and
the earth…” from Genesis. Next day you
shoot another message from that point, and it travels billions and billions of
miles and so forth. When you do that,
say seven times, it plays out to not only the age of the universe, but also how
long man has been floating around the planet writing down his history.
Genesis 2:7 “And then the Lord God formed man from the clay
of the earth…” God fashioned us from the same matter that he formed the
world. Of the 59 elements that make up
the human body, all 59 can be found in the earth’s crust. We are of this earth.
God set us apart from the animals. Many in the scientific community would have
you believe that humans are nothing more than really fancy apes, however there
is a decided difference, and if you can’t see that then you probably need to
re-evaluate your personal standards.
Mankind stands apart from animals because have a bit of God in us. He breathed life into us directly, giving us
a soul, giving us something that sets us spiritually and intellectually above
the animals. Now what we choose to do
with that, that’s a different matter altogether. We’re actually going to come back to that in
a bit.
God created a massive flood.
Genesis Chapter 6 pretty well covers this, but you probably know the
basics: Noah, rain, ark, animals, massive flood etc. Most scholars would push this story aside as
an allegorical tale, a myth, but there’s more to this story. You see, all across the globe people have
stories about a massive flood, one that wiped out or massively altered life as
they know it. All…across…the globe. Now again, this could be passed off as “Floods
are a big deal, of course they’re myths of it…” but all these stories date back
to about the same time. They all came
into records a little less than 2000 years before Christ. Additionally there is physical evidence
showing these floods happened. Well, you
say “floods”…I say “FLOOD”.
Jesus is real. I mean, historically speaking there is
evidence that “Jesus, who is called Christ” is in the historical record. 1st Century Romano-Jewish
historian Flavius Josephus, who is a scholarly credible source, makes repeated
references to the actions and activity of Christ in his historical record.
Finally…you have a soul and it transcends what you are going
through. According to Dr. Robert Lanza,
voted 3rd most influential scientist alive by the New York Times,
quantum theory proves consciousness moves to another universe after death. What we interpret as the universe is our
senses informing our brains of what reality is.
Naturally we are locked into thinking this is all there is because this
is all the input we receive. In
interpreting the data Lanza states that the body receives consciousness from an
outer source, a source that defies the conventions of space/time, and that when
the body dies, the consciousness moves on to a different concept of
reality. His theory is a bit involved,
but it points out that the universe was fine tuned for life, something that cannot
happen randomly, and therefore must have an intelligence driving that material
This is a highly respected scientist reaffirming that you
have a soul that transcends your body, and the universe was purposefully created
by intelligence beyond our understanding.
Take from this what you will, sometimes having an outside
source reaffirm your faith helps, sometimes it just feels like a life jacket
while you float in the middle of the ocean, you’re not drowning, but you don’t
feel like you’re in a better place. God
has a plan and a purpose for everything, and we sometimes just have to ride out
the storm under a better understanding comes along.
Thanks for reading.
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